I move into my new, roommate-free zone on Saturday. I'm excited. I'm going to go buy an air mattress tonight so I'll have something to sleep on when I move in.
I need to get so much stuff.. a futon (instead of a couch) for the living room, a coffee table, a little table and 2 chairs for the kitchen, dishes and pots and pans, cleaning supplies, shower curtain, paint and stencils to decorate the walls.. oy vey. I'll have to accumulate things slowly.
First the air mattress and the kitchen stuff. I really want to paint the living room this weekend though... sadly, no money is in the budget for that until July 1st.
<I>random first-thing-in-the-morning rant:</I>
I'm very tired of being in the military. All these people thinking that just because I'm lower ranking that makes me their menial-job bitch and gives them the right to critique me on things that aren't an actual issue make me very frustrated. I spend quite a bit of my day biting my tongue so I don't tell someone off just because they happen to be higher ranking and could get me in trouble, no matter how much they deserved it. And I knew it would be like this before I joined, and I've done my best to "deal with it," but it gets damn annoying. People don't necessarily earn rank in the military for being intelligent or good leaders, they earn rank for sticking around. There are a lot of people higher-ranking than me that I know for a fact are stupid as dirt and only got to their level through lots of 'passed not advanced' points.
I need to get so much stuff.. a futon (instead of a couch) for the living room, a coffee table, a little table and 2 chairs for the kitchen, dishes and pots and pans, cleaning supplies, shower curtain, paint and stencils to decorate the walls.. oy vey. I'll have to accumulate things slowly.
First the air mattress and the kitchen stuff. I really want to paint the living room this weekend though... sadly, no money is in the budget for that until July 1st.
<I>random first-thing-in-the-morning rant:</I>
I'm very tired of being in the military. All these people thinking that just because I'm lower ranking that makes me their menial-job bitch and gives them the right to critique me on things that aren't an actual issue make me very frustrated. I spend quite a bit of my day biting my tongue so I don't tell someone off just because they happen to be higher ranking and could get me in trouble, no matter how much they deserved it. And I knew it would be like this before I joined, and I've done my best to "deal with it," but it gets damn annoying. People don't necessarily earn rank in the military for being intelligent or good leaders, they earn rank for sticking around. There are a lot of people higher-ranking than me that I know for a fact are stupid as dirt and only got to their level through lots of 'passed not advanced' points.
As I've said, my fiance is in the military, and I've oft heard the same things. You guys have to put up with so much shit, along with the responsibility of just having your job. Crazy shit. I admire y'all.