It is a well documented fact that my favourite drink is Vimto. For the rest of this entry keep in mind that I love Vimto. It is my favourite drink. I love it. Love it so.
So, the other day I find out that there is a Vimto sculpture OM MY ROAD. I have lived in Manchester for 5 years and never knew about it. I moved to my new address about 2 months ago and then find out there's a freakin' Vimto sculpture on the same street! That's uncanny. But it gets better. I go to find this sculpture yesterday and find it in a small, tucked away park at the very end of my street (i have had no cause to go down there before now. I should adventure more often). There's a little plaque there too informing me that the sculpture is stained oak (from sustainable forest) and stand on the grounds of 49 My Street where Vimto WAS INVENTED! I live on the very same street that my all time, favourite drink was born. I thought that was pretty cool, weird coincidence (or is it fate?).
I have now have a new favourite place in Manchester. People can moan about this city for many reasons, normally the rain, but there are many secrets well hidden for you to find. Manchester is a city with a tough demeanor, it won't become your friend easily. It's stubborn. But if you bear with it, occasionally it will remind you why you came in the first place. But only occasionally.
Oh, and the weather's like this all the time here. Morrissey's a big, fat liar.
So, the other day I find out that there is a Vimto sculpture OM MY ROAD. I have lived in Manchester for 5 years and never knew about it. I moved to my new address about 2 months ago and then find out there's a freakin' Vimto sculpture on the same street! That's uncanny. But it gets better. I go to find this sculpture yesterday and find it in a small, tucked away park at the very end of my street (i have had no cause to go down there before now. I should adventure more often). There's a little plaque there too informing me that the sculpture is stained oak (from sustainable forest) and stand on the grounds of 49 My Street where Vimto WAS INVENTED! I live on the very same street that my all time, favourite drink was born. I thought that was pretty cool, weird coincidence (or is it fate?).
I have now have a new favourite place in Manchester. People can moan about this city for many reasons, normally the rain, but there are many secrets well hidden for you to find. Manchester is a city with a tough demeanor, it won't become your friend easily. It's stubborn. But if you bear with it, occasionally it will remind you why you came in the first place. But only occasionally.
Oh, and the weather's like this all the time here. Morrissey's a big, fat liar.
thats either, supendly amasing
or a bit sad
i'm really not sure witch
Legoland is one of the best memories I have as a kid.