My Beloved Monsters 2 cover
Click the link above to see the cover for the latest mini-comic from myself
We threw this together over the weekend (i even inked it at work on Sunday) in time for Mondo's Marveloso, a monthly cabaret night my friend from Uni runs. We photocopied up 30 comics and handed them out for free. I can't remember if people liked them because I was drunk. I met a friend straight after work drank white wine, forgot to eat and then carried on drinking till 2am. And on a school night too!
Kissed a girl quite a lot though so I had a good time.
In other news:
Have a peep at my new internet Shop. If there are any of the Lego Pixel Portraits that you want on a t-shirt just ask and I'll make one up for you. I'm going to set this up proper on the site soon but you can demand what the hell you want right now. 'Cos you're all cool.
Right, off to mull over my 5 favourite SG list now. 5 just ain't enough.
I have a vision of ALL of us wearing versions of the Ramones sometime soon
As for my drunken comments, be careful what you wish for because you will most likely get it.