took me a while..but finally a real update!
a brief run-down:
moved into a new apt right in providence
was in 2 lingerie shows
put 6 stitches in my hand and my elbow in a sling (well, was and is no longer thankfully)
started sort of..kind of..okay yeah datingish a new boy who i call the marine aka jmac5306
threw a huge chinese new year party/birthday bash for keelia
started a killer new job at a little office building cafe...that requires me to be up at 7am everyday...but its worth it.
until the stitches incident i started rockclimbing 3 or 4 times a week..killer endorphines release.
going to DC in may
started writing for Define The Meaning Magazine just freelance but get to interview sweet bands!
the marine came to visit for 4 days on presidents day surprise ever.
keelia is moving in 7 blocks away from me today!
..i think thats it.
what have you folks been up to?
heres a few pictures from the chinese new year party and the marines visit

me and the marine

bren and i

me, billy, and bren before the madness began

gin and tonic. awesome company. asshole.

all the ladies...sans elle. <3

...and the madness begins

birthday kiss!

and for billy too!

long metal EVER

no caption necessary
a brief run-down:
moved into a new apt right in providence
was in 2 lingerie shows
put 6 stitches in my hand and my elbow in a sling (well, was and is no longer thankfully)
started sort of..kind of..okay yeah datingish a new boy who i call the marine aka jmac5306
threw a huge chinese new year party/birthday bash for keelia
started a killer new job at a little office building cafe...that requires me to be up at 7am everyday...but its worth it.
until the stitches incident i started rockclimbing 3 or 4 times a week..killer endorphines release.
going to DC in may
started writing for Define The Meaning Magazine just freelance but get to interview sweet bands!
the marine came to visit for 4 days on presidents day surprise ever.
keelia is moving in 7 blocks away from me today!
..i think thats it.
what have you folks been up to?
heres a few pictures from the chinese new year party and the marines visit

me and the marine

bren and i

me, billy, and bren before the madness began

gin and tonic. awesome company. asshole.

all the ladies...sans elle. <3

...and the madness begins

birthday kiss!

and for billy too!

long metal EVER

no caption necessary
if it weren't for you i'd never see my little sister! great photos 

You're amazing.