I saw Dawn of the Dead lastnight and it KICKED ASS!
First Bartlebee and Loki are bannished to Wisconsin and then it's over run with zombies! And people ask me if I miss my home state. *L*

Just noticed you are from Man'twoc and thought I'd give my apologies. I just moved to AZ from WI last fall and my ex was from Two Rivers and I got to spend more time than I'll ever need up there. All I can say is I hope you never had to spend any time at Studio 8 and if you did I'm even more sorry! I don't know about you, but I don't miss Wisconsin winters one little bit. Anyway... just thought I'd say hello to a fellow Wisconsinite.
thanks for the help with my profile pic biggrin
The "Shoot" buttong on my mouse started sticking so I went out to Fry's Electronics and picked up a new "pointing device". It's a microsoft Trackball Optical (part# X08-70346).

After using a mouse for well, ever, it's taking some getting used to. I'm told that once I adjust I'll never be able to go back to mice. I guess we'll see.

What I know about...
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I dont know what a trackball is, but it sounds to futuristic for me. I'll stick with point and click.

I actually plugged in my joystick and went at TIE fighter again. By the Gods that game is the shit!

Now that is some romantic thisnthat right there. Well done.

I met one of the guys who wrote Freelancer. We drank Monkey Piss.

Hey seriously - are you at all into Harry Potter?

take it light,

Worked Mondaynight so I could have Wednsday (Payday) off with my girl. It might be casino night for us.

Lastnight I had a very busy and rough night at the animal clinic. As nasty as it was it was it would seem that it was just what I needed to break the fowl mood I was in (see the post before this one and you'll understand the bad mood). We were slammed and didn't have time to try calling in a second Vet.
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Stuck here for seveal passing days, about to ship out at eight. Missed the southwest cheif. Back on along the trail.
Did you comment on the thread in the group? You should do that biggrin
This afternoon I rolled into work in a pretty good mood. That changed with the 3rd phone-call I took. It was my Mom asking if it was okay for her to give my contact info to an old ex-girlfriend. In this case it was more than good, Kristen and I date briefly but were friends for almost 2 decades now. Id be happy to talk...
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Phoebus said onApril 12, 2004 08:29 AMDELETE Hey Caddok,

"At the risk of inundating you with more egg-stuff, in Greece we don't try to find them--we boil them and paint them red, and then engage in a sort of gladiatorial contest where we try to crunch the other person's egg without crunching our own!!! And there is no prize except for bragging rights!"

No problem....
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This has all the elements of a real holiday/ mating ritual: language tie-ins ("he's a good catch"), symbology (eggs, fate) and enough social pressure to make it reasonable (like the taboo against catching multiple eggs). Well done!

I think trading eggs would make for a sweet short story. Girl inniates an egg trade with the promise of favors and such, only to find that deep down she got the looser and the tradee got the winner. Regret puncutated by obligation.

Good stuff!

One last thing - Im allergic to eggs. How would they interpet that?

take it light,


This is the day the Angels roll the rock out from in front of Christ's burrow. Then he comes out and looks around. If he sees his shaddow we have 6 more weeks of Lent, or winter, or something (if he sees any sign of Ponchus Pilot we have 8 more weeks).

Have fun findsing those eggs that have not one god-damned...
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Hey Caddok,

At the risk of inundating you with more egg-stuff, in Greece we don't try to find them--we boil them and paint them red, and then engage in a sort of gladiatorial contest where we try to crunch the other person's egg without crunching our own!!! And there is no prize except for bragging rights! surreal biggrin
I'm back in an Eagle (best civilian very heavy fighter avail') and climbing back to being a millionair. After the Humback fiasco I was down to something like $82.

In the REAL news:
The Jersygirl and I are going strong and there seems to be no end to the comfort and contentment I feel when we are together. If I can figure out how to...
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It's not gonna work! You can't possibly attain the level of happiness that is Gaming Fun-Great Girl-Weekends off! wink
Good for you and Jearsey. She game?

Hope all is well,
Just swopped out my Eagle for a Humpback and got screwed! Looks like I'm back on the bottom layer of the upper crust as far as Freelancer goes. frown

heh, I would just get a combat ship and become a pirate. That whole smuggler thing is for suckers.
Freelancer? As in the video game? How is that anyways? I've heard mixed things about it. confused
I just found the disc of drivers for my scanner!!! Tons of pics on the way!!
