A blog with photos from the CreepShow PeepShow at the Bombshell Revue from this last weekend but SG doesn't seem to like to add photos from my phone browser. Bummer. I've posted a few on my Instagram if you're interested and I may yet be able to attach one or 2 here.
It was a phenomenal 2 night show and I worked my ass off setting the stage between acts. I let them use my antique birdcage as stage dressing and it was such a hit I had to ask them to limit how many people were getting in and out (it is an antique after all). It was so much fun and such amazing acts. I believe they'll be putting it up for rent on their Vimeo sometime soon too and you'll get to see me hustling around if you're interested.
This month has been...hectic and insane and emotional. We've had to completely clean out and repaint and refurbish one room in the house to get it ready to have a friend house sit as we go out of town in a week and scurrying to get ready for the annual Halloween party (haven't even gotten any decorations out eek!)
I'd like this month to be longer but I'm also quite ready for it to just be done.