I worked a very long weekend, but got an incredible cultural experience and lessons on customs. This family shared so many stories with me and my team. Were so courteous and gracious and they even explained portions of the rituals to me. Plus they fed me!
they let me take pictures of their set up in the chapel but out of respect for them I wont be posting much. The food was incredible. The amount of work they put into everything and the music played in the ritual was wonderful. The amount of work my team did was incredible too. 3 days, 10+ hours each day for services.
I'm wiped. Also had a nuclear medicine bone scan on my one day off this week and having to try to get through school work. Just 5 more weeks in this quarter and I just need to pass this math course....I dont care what grade I get anymore as long as I pass. Someone wanna finish it for me?
Someday I'll put myself together and show my face here again..but today is very far from that day