Checked in for surgery at 8:30am yesterday morning. Got all the prep done, wasn't brought back to the O.R. until 10:05am. Woke up in recovery at 11:40. Several doses of pain meds into the IV...and I managed to get home. Let me tell you....crutches, even for a short the snow really suck. This Continuous Passive Motion Machine really sucks...again.
They told me there was a lot of scar tissue. It looks like they went back in through their initial incisions too. Pain pills weren't touching it at all yesterday and now I'm super worried I didn't take enough time off for recovery...especially since they don't want me even driving for 2 weeks. Fuck.
Thanks for all the responses on the last 2 "blogs" with the photos. It was nice to take photos before I'm kind of stuff being inactive with big a big ole bandage and half my leg dyed from iodine.