So as some of you may have seen (and even commented) I turned 30 this past Saturday. Rhe world greeted me with a morning of sore and stiff body parts and inexplicable hives....
On the bright side though, my mother treated me to a long weekend in Vegas. I drove across Washington thursday after work (white knuckled it through the dark and snowy pass) and after a quick trip to the neighbor's for a shot and some talking (very heartbreaking neighborhood drama there that really isn'tmy story to tell), we flew out of Seattle bright and early Friday morning (I didn't sleep at all and had begun to think maybe her precious new kitty was what caused the hives). We landed and immediately got the souvenir 70 oz alcoholic slushies in flashing pyramid cups
We spent our time walking and wandering, playing any slot machine that grabbed our attention, following all of the proper precautions, and eating way too much. We did go to the Neon Museum, and Nightmare Toys, but mostly we casino hopped. Thankfully our room had a tub so I grabbed some oatmeal bath stuff from the Lush nearby, but nothing soothed the hives.
Other than the soreness from walking so much and the itching, it was really a fun trip. this was my first time in Las Vegas and a bit of a shame that so much was restricted due to...well you know....but I'm also kind of grateful because I really dont like large crowds and my mom has a habit of stopping and not having the best situational awareness. She didnt get to go to Vegas until her 60th birthday so she halved that for me. I'm very grateful to have such a good relationship with her..especially after some rough teenage years.
I broke down and went to urgent care today guessed it...still covered in hives. Got some medication so hopefully that will help.
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
I'll leave you with a photo of the cake I had for my 2nd celebration I got once I came home!
if you're celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you do so safely and that the day is filled with good food and love