Welp they finally moved me to the location closer to the house, and I'm thrilled. Getting to learn under a different director with more years of experience than I've been alive. The other upside is that my office looks out onto one of my favorite cemeteries in town. It's very peaceful when there arent a ton of people walking around like it's a park
That's not to say I wont take advantage of the nice weather to take a stroll on a lunch break, but I wont be treating it like a picnic spot.
They're also having us wear masks a lot more
I've got this one and a fun one made from an old cthulhu tee that arrived today.
I technically start school next week but some of my professors have opened the courses and let us start early. I also had a virtual happy with my new doctor to go over my MRI from my hip. It looks like I will be needing surgery...whenever the world allows for surgeries to be scheduled again. It should be about as involved as my shoulder surgery almost 3 years ago but with less recovery time. I just hope it helps with the pain.
Hope you're all staying safe and healthy.