I'm not even sure I know anymore. I feel like I am so out of touch here (wait don't I say that in every blog? I need to get better about this!).
A lot a lot a lot has happened in the last...month...2 months....I don't even know. I've tried to do general status updates (and thank you to those loyal few of you who always take time to respond. I đŸ’— you).
At the end of June (specifically the 27th) my grandfather passed away. Granted he was 87 and had been having some health issues, but we thought he was finally on an upswing (relatively speaking), so when my mom called to tell me, I broke. Still haven't fully coped with those emotions and they hit me like a wave every now and then. The 27th was hard because it is also Corey's grandpa's birthday and we went and spent the weekend right after with both of his grandfathers...while I swallowed the pain of not having one anymore and not trying to be a killjoy. I did get to take some time while there to see my grandma. I will tell you that working in the funeral industry does not make dealing with loss any easier. The services are at least finally set.
On the note of my job, my 1 year anniversary was july 14th and on Monday the 15th I received quite the promotion! +pats self on back+
I've also lost so much track of time that the countdown to my set has dwindled dramatically!
If I can find the time I will start with teasers in the remaining month!
I've also been super busy vending at a farmer's market in my community and doing pretty well. Ive expanded some of the bath products a bit and have bit test running them there, and the people who run it like me so much they asked me to participate in the Hillyard Festival the first weekend of August! Been trying to stock up very thoroughly in the "downtime" I have so much of (+sarcasm+) but not stressing myself out because I want to still enjoy making the products. It's been really fun to be part of the community.
I also have a new acquisition for the casket shed / backyard mock mausoleum (would that be mocksoleum?) We got them for FREE from craigslist and now I just need to find the glass for the candles
Well now with a minor catch up done, I'm going to sit in a very hot bath (thanks to the thunderstorm yesterday for cooling the air down) and try to relax my hip enough to sleep comfortably!
Be nice to each other