8 hours. I AM SO NERVOUS. Are you guys excited? Think this will be the one? I really hope so!
Did you guys realize I have been a hopeful for 9 years? So much has changed in that time and I have had some of the best experiences and opportunities, met the greatest people. This set is called Happily Ever Cadavre. Mostly from lyrics for a Wednesday 13 song ( you all know how much I like Wednesday 13 right) but also because this set was shot in my home, in front of my mantle with all my weird loves, and because I am just happily forever, me.
this last weekend my boss took the lot of us (the girls from work and her boyfriend) up to Nelson, BC which happens to be her favorite place, apparently, to celebrate her birthday! We had some experiences, buckets of fun, and it was absolutely beautiful. Fluffy thick snow, cute artsy town (what we explored of it) and just a nice retreat. Plus who doesn't love hot tubbing in the snow!?
well, I will see you all in a few days! I can't wait to see what you all think of what @skidtography and I whipped up. I wish he could come back and shoot with me again. We could create sone more magic!