So I'm gearing up for the Super Bowl. Guess I'll be watching it alone this year. No worries, just more fun with friends. One problem I have is that I don't have cable. Now, don't everyone freak out at once! (which is the usual reaction) I don't have it because I'm not home much and don't see the point of paying $80 a month for something I probably won't use. So, I have an antenna. Problem is that the NBC affiliate transmits beyond the antenna's radius. So, I guess I'm going to try to stream it. I'll see if I like it (with 4 hrs of pregame, it should give me enough time to make an opinion). My other thought was to go out. I could get a lot of different kinds of beer that way. But, again, I'd be alone for it. So, who knows what I'll do. It the streaming sucks, guess I have no other option. That's the life of a football fan.
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