Had an interesting time at a comedy club last night. We get there for a good time, and this group of drunken bachelor party guys show up and are seated behind us. I knew something wasn't going to be good when, while the MC was still warming up the crowd one of them spilled his drink hard enough to splash me (a good eight feet away). One guy was kicked out for a while for continously talking. But the one that wins the ultimate dumbass award goes to the guy that passed out. And in one of those moments that creates a memory, the comedian suggested we draw a dick on his head. So, as fate would have it, someone had a sharpie. And he got a dick on his head; much deserved.
To everyone out there, remember your limits. A place like a comedy club isn't a place to be a loud mouth sloppy drunk. Just enjoy the show so others can enjoy it too. For that matter, public isn't the place to be a sloppy drunk. I mean, puking everywhere on a bunch of people that wanted to enjoy themselves without the distraction of someone puking on them? Not a good time. Know your limits.
This is my public service announcement for the day...
To everyone out there, remember your limits. A place like a comedy club isn't a place to be a loud mouth sloppy drunk. Just enjoy the show so others can enjoy it too. For that matter, public isn't the place to be a sloppy drunk. I mean, puking everywhere on a bunch of people that wanted to enjoy themselves without the distraction of someone puking on them? Not a good time. Know your limits.
This is my public service announcement for the day...
Reminds me of a story that I heard from someone else a few days ago. I agree, know your limits, or stay home and be a slobbering drunk where nobody else has to take care of you when you can't.