Ever been obsessed with "more"? Need more this, more that... more DVDs, video games, food, friends, space, stuff, etc. I've come to realize, in one of me few moments here of peace, that I think may be obsessed with more. I've sometimes had traits of OCD, but that's just self-diagnosis on my behaviors. Maybe it's just a spending complex. I notice this because I have a hard time not spending. It's not always a case of buyers remorse, but it's stuff that could have waited and money that could have been saved. I think I'm blowing this up way too much, but it was on my mind and this is a good way to get it out. I feel better. I understand that I'm not exactly of the norm of the human race, but if you keep me fed and scratch me behind the ears every now and then, I'll be your buddy.
On another note, today would be a great day to get some stuff done, but this is the first time in about 2 weeks I haven't actually had something that had to be done. This feels good. I'm sitting in from of a fan letting in a cool breaze. Somehow my house traps heat. Good in the winter, can be a pain in the summer. Need to get the basement done so I can relax down there.
Have a good one...
On another note, today would be a great day to get some stuff done, but this is the first time in about 2 weeks I haven't actually had something that had to be done. This feels good. I'm sitting in from of a fan letting in a cool breaze. Somehow my house traps heat. Good in the winter, can be a pain in the summer. Need to get the basement done so I can relax down there.
Have a good one...