So I've been watching the new translation for Macross (came out in 2006 I believe, so it's not that new) and I must say, it's a lot of fun! I barely remember the old Robotech, but after watching a few of those old episodes, the dialog wasn't bad for the time (english) but it's funny how brutal it was for the time, too. Remember, this was when everyone thought that cartoons were for kids (at least here). The new translation has them talking about being hung over about five minutes into the episode. A lot of fun, and a good story. Maybe this would be better posted in the cartoon group, but I haven't blogged in a while.
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Saturday Nov 19, 2011
Hate sickness. Fighting flu or cold or something. Hate hacking. Need … -
Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Been a busy couple of weeks... Broke up with my girlfriend... Thin… -
Thursday Oct 27, 2011
The trip to Las Vegas was a success. Not that I won anything, but had… -
Thursday Oct 13, 2011
Been up a while today... but don't want to go to bed... I'll be dead … -
Saturday Oct 08, 2011
Ever seen the Born to Fight movies? Starting that tonight. Maybe I'll… -
Friday Oct 07, 2011
Ever just been hungry for sushi? I was till tonight. I went to a loca… -
Saturday Oct 01, 2011
It's strange... I'd like to go out tonight, be among people.... but I… -
Friday Sep 30, 2011
I think I'm starting to feel well again. It's amazing how you can be … -
Thursday Sep 29, 2011
Hate fighting illness. Don't know if it's cold or allergy, but it's g… -
Sunday Sep 25, 2011
Haven't been on in a while... was I missed? But, I do need to be more…