@deesilvs tagged me to run through this badboy so here we go
What is your name? (nombre) Cacophony
How old are you? (edad) 32.. yikes
What is your astrology sign? (signo) Pisces
Where are you from? (de donde eres) BC, Canada. I was born here and have spent most of my life here, but I've also lived in Whitehorse, YT and Halifax, NS.
What languages do you speak? (que idioma hablas) English. That's about it. I was good at French in school but I never stuck with it
Left handed or Right handed? (con cual mano escribes) Right handed but not dexterous anywhere
Any pets? (tienes animales) fishies.. quite a few
Do you have piercings? ( tienes joyeria) I currently have 11. I've probably had 30.
How tall are you?(cuanto mides) 5'2. Not very tall
Have you ever broken a bone? ( te has quebrado una parte) yes, my thumb and wrist as a kid
That was short & sweet (other than the part where it asked my age 😵) enjoy a photo of my bum in repayment for your time 😽