So, what do Michelle Obama, Al Capone, Eartha Kitt, Muhammad Ali, James Earl Jones, Jeremy Roenick, Andy Kaufman, Moira Shirer, Paul Revere (of he & the Raiders), Rock Hudson, Nevil Shute, Betty White, Mack Sennett, Benjamin Franklin and I all have in common?
We all had birthdays yesterday. Yes, even the dead ones.
January 17th, 2011 is my 40th birthday, to be precise. That I have made it this far I should be grateful. That I face it unemployed overweight and under stress is not how I had hoped. But I am trying to remain calm.
Mostly, I think I am a little out of joint because I am facing it alone. Not alonealone, but you know what I mean; I need not spell it out. It is hard to stay optimistic.
It would be nice to live in a time & place where something like your 40th birthday is an occasion (if not an event) for someone other than yourself. Or if there were someone to turn it into an occasion on your behalf. I am trying to not be kind of sad that that is not the case for me.
I'm failing.
We all had birthdays yesterday. Yes, even the dead ones.
January 17th, 2011 is my 40th birthday, to be precise. That I have made it this far I should be grateful. That I face it unemployed overweight and under stress is not how I had hoped. But I am trying to remain calm.
Mostly, I think I am a little out of joint because I am facing it alone. Not alonealone, but you know what I mean; I need not spell it out. It is hard to stay optimistic.
It would be nice to live in a time & place where something like your 40th birthday is an occasion (if not an event) for someone other than yourself. Or if there were someone to turn it into an occasion on your behalf. I am trying to not be kind of sad that that is not the case for me.
I'm failing.
hey hey
happy birthday is in order then huh? and big effing thank you for your comment haha goofball so ive been told >_< x