New picture. Same old me.
And in that new picture I'm wearing my favorite shirt I bought last week. It's the one that says "Jesus Saves" and he's catching a soccer ball before it goes in a soccer net. I just love it.
If someone reads this: answer these 5 questions:
1. Why do I want to move away from Michigan and go and live in either Las Vegas (can afford it and I love Red Rock Canyon) or California (can't afford it but I love it)?
2. What is your impression of me from my journal entries and/or pictures? Brutal honesty is appreciated.
3. Why do you 'gotta catch 'em all' in Pokemon? That seems rather dumb. Why not catch the ones you want.
4. Do you like to softly caress your own armpits while laying awake in bed and enjoy the sensations they bring you?
5. What is your favorite inebrient? (which drug, which drink, which hobby, etc....use your own interpretation.
Thanks. And Even though question #1 is gonna be hard for everyone since I don't physically know any of you- do your best.
And in that new picture I'm wearing my favorite shirt I bought last week. It's the one that says "Jesus Saves" and he's catching a soccer ball before it goes in a soccer net. I just love it.
If someone reads this: answer these 5 questions:
1. Why do I want to move away from Michigan and go and live in either Las Vegas (can afford it and I love Red Rock Canyon) or California (can't afford it but I love it)?
2. What is your impression of me from my journal entries and/or pictures? Brutal honesty is appreciated.
3. Why do you 'gotta catch 'em all' in Pokemon? That seems rather dumb. Why not catch the ones you want.
4. Do you like to softly caress your own armpits while laying awake in bed and enjoy the sensations they bring you?
5. What is your favorite inebrient? (which drug, which drink, which hobby, etc....use your own interpretation.
Thanks. And Even though question #1 is gonna be hard for everyone since I don't physically know any of you- do your best.
And Tikki- I love your answer to #1. Hit the nail on the fuckin' head.
And #4- you gotta try it. It's not like erotic or anything, it's just oddly tantilizing.