I wanna know what you wanna know what i wanna know what you wanna know what.....

What I wanna know I wanna know.....what I wanna know I wanna know......

All I can say at this moment about everything is:

Its beyond fucked up. Evertyhing. I'll be 27 next year and damn....i've done nothing but fuck up everything up to this point. Go me!

Thank god...
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Have a Happy, Safe, and Sober Holiday!!! oink
Mondays and Tuesdays need a shot of excitement.

As my two days off, i need to DO something.

Well, today i'll go see the movie 'Deja Vu' I suppose. Return my late movies. Perhaps i'll eat sometime in the next 48 hours.

I'd like to break in my new camera (Digital SLR Pentax)......hmmm.

So bored.
fuck the alive shit.

lemme move around already, i mean come on!
I dropped out of the group. I dropped out of a bunch of groups. I just couldn't see the point. Once you said I was helpful. If that's actually true feel free to drop by and speak your piece any time. I want to say also, that there are worse places to be than the ones that we're in. Like my buddy that got coked out and wrapped his car around a tree. Its been close to ten years now and he'll never walk again. He lives in a trailer by himself, last time I heard he just plays everquest all day. That's hell. I figure sometimes all I've got is balls and a desire to keep going, and maybe that's all we ever have. Hang tough man. If you can roll a car and live that makes you a survivor right? Then survive, let the pieces fall into place. Peace.
Hey anytime. Glad to help. We gotta stick together and share. I'm sure you'll do the same for someone else when you get through this.
Glad to see you're still kicking.
omg.. what happened??
So in one of my manic high phases I suggested the divorce to my wife (there's a thread about it) because I felt she could do better, and didn't want to keep hurting her. (In the back of my mind like always there was something saying- NO! not yet! Wait til you start treatment!!!) But I didn't. Then I tried to change her mind and...
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I hope everything works out for you dude robot
I"ve been on quite a few different medications (I'm bipolar type i). I also have a seizure disorder, and since I started taking Topamax to treat both the seizures and the manias, I haven't had a single manic episode (although I have had a few breakthrough seizures). you might consider talking to you doctor about it, because it has very few negative side effects.

I know meds are different for everyone, but I also know how frustrating it is to go through so many different meds, and this one has so few negative effects that I would recommend it to anyone.

also, is there any reason NOT to do inpatient therapy? if you feel like it would be most effective, than why not do it?

edit: I also took Depakote for three years. whatever and Lamictal, another common option has nasty side effects. best!

Going to Leland City Club tonight. Should be interesting.

I'm just gonna people watch while my buddy Ninja Mike does whatever Ninjas do.


K, now i'm done.
Bubble tea...
had it once at the mall.

Hated it. It tasted like penicillan.
And by the way....

It is not easy for any of us to transcend our past, our present and our future. Pain that we suffer is a gift. We can choose to let light into the dark places

The vendor rep job i got sucks ASS. 10 bucks an hour. Eh. I'm toooo used to 15 an hour, but i'll adjust.

And today was spent lifting heavy tiles alllll day long. Man, I can't TELL anyone I have rheumatoid arthritis or i'd never get a damn job. But today reallllly put my body to a test. i did okay tho.

I only...
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Yes, a job!!! smile

Any vendor job sucks ASS, it comes with the job. mad

Take care
kiss kiss
Today marks the dawn of a new day.

I can only go up from here.

Bleh. Fuck all that inspirational talk.

Lets talk about robots. They're pretty cool if you think about it. If we could get them to think they could take over the world and we'd be in for some fun.

So today is devoted to robots.
