So.....yeah. I'm in a good mood.

I met a nice, smart, intelligent (AND very pretty mind you) person this past evening.

I had some great feelings I haven't felt in a while come out and plain and simple- it was damn nice.

Who is she? Can I meet her? love
Thank you for the smile today I needed it....I could also use a hug and a nice kiss to be later over-analyzed know anyone?


Then 2.

Now 3?

what kind of dog is that?
Dazed and confused.

Seriously...sometimes I just wanna get away all over again.

Holy fuck I need a girl.

I'm literally willing to drive out of state to meet someone at this point.

Like I said:

Holy. Fuck.
I am thinking of considering it already....I am taking a trip to chicago to fucking meet someone...I mean its crazy....I don't think I am that bad looking wink
I want to be a pot smoker now and goddamn it its impossible to find.

I can get hard drugs, but marijuana?


I'm saddened. I just love the smell of it so so much. frown
oh uve got the cutest dog
and i think ur cute as well
wish i could share some of my herb
id catch you a buzz in a heartbeat wink
I like the smell too....find some and cal me lol..
Movement Festival this weekend.

I really hope its the most successful event (since going to a pay for tickets event) yet.

I LIKE having some international stars in town that have never been to Detroit before. Sure, I love homeschool talent. But the festival is a celebration of all the music in all the places, the world over.

I just can't fuckin' wait.
I so wish I could have gone but I had fun at the summer home on the lake.....I used to go to DEMF every year... (candy raver :/)
People lately are like cardboard cutouts with prerecorded speech boxes installed. They stand up nice and tall, except they're one-dimensional. They say what you want to hear and its repeated time and time again by cutout after cutout. Its said once or twice and then the lines of communication shut down. After all, even though YOU may have the balls to speak your mind and...
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The kingdom shall come and the kingdom shall fall.

All within the moment it shall start and end.

The Om and the Hum....

Are we but one, or are we many?

Lists. Many, many lists. With many, many names.

This is how it will happen, with the aid of the lists.

Nothing can stop me, you, them.

Act One begins...
Crazy shit.

So, its no joke I watch ABC soap operas. All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital. I got into it when I used to stay at my Grandmas. She has one leg, so i stayed inside and watched soaps alot.


The new story on One Life to Live involves Jessica with Liver Cancer!!!! My dad died of liver cancer. Its...
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NIN's new Year Zero is an interesting listen. Its got a lot to say to a world that needs to listen a little.

What if THIS was Year Zero? Hmmm?

I always wonder if I were point blank tracked down and asked to choose a side.....things aren't so clearly labeled good and evil now adays. Gray areas seem prevalent and that makes the choice so...
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