
Falling asleep fast.

Yes, there are times even I could use some emotional comforting, cuddling, snuggling.

Its been too long, sooooo long.

It'll be forever before I'll experience it again.

But who's fault is that? My own. Because I'm locked away. Locked in.

see those things you want right now are the things you hold yourself back from receiving.....just give it some thought
Stuck at relatives.

Watching random shit on youtube to pass the time.

Wow what fun.

Top it all off I feel like a train ran me the fuck over and someone put my head in a blender.

And to think- I used to feel like this ALL the time when I drank shitloads. Good thing I left that behind for the most part.

OH! I...
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Tiring day.

My body and my mind hurt from so much happening in and around my life.

I need time to relax, time to sleep, and time to rebuild.

Yet...I haven't made time for that and I'm not getting any younger.

Its surely never easy, but damn can it sometimes be too much to think about.
better than being bored, eh?

Wake and sleep. Wake and sleep.

Sleep and wake. Sleep and wake.

Cycles. Routes we travel. Introspection.

Its too early to be up and too late to be up. So i'm going back to sleep yet again.

Scattered dreamscapes full of countless angles to examine; many aspects of current realities erupt on sight.

This is where I am and nowhere else am I.

No matter that which I do, I shall always cause trauma. That is the way of the bipolar path.

This is not in regards to any one thing as it is in regards to SO MANY one things.

How did I go from drugged and sleeping to lucid and sleepless?

For now perhaps I'll stay with the idea of non-feeling. If one is closed...
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The bipolar path is hard, especially when you find other bipolars on it. I get a three week stint everyyear where i don't sleep because i am in such a swing.

It would be easier to not have feelings, to fuck because it is mechanichal, to not love, to only exist without the abck and forth sway but it is not an option. So instead you spend your days trying to keep the boat from rocking. Somtehing harder i found out when two people are in the boat. Especially if they are trying to rock it!

But the right mixture of people can even all things out.

hope to see you at an event sometime. I dug your comments, and see a like minded person.
Sometimes I feel special.

Sometimes I don't.

Almond joys got nuts.

Mounds don't.

I love jingles.

Ok, if i'm gonna feel well tomorrow I gotta get some sleep and let my meds kick in over the evening.

I'm not letting anything stop me from having an amazing time tomorrow!


Need to sleep, then maybe all will be well.


Sure. Of course it will.
Good luck to you, You have entered a world of crazy
I hope that you feel better soon.... frown

- Cut the grass

- Go to the bank and bitch to them

- take Ben home

- go on a date / see a movie

- mmmmm yeah, i think theres more i gotta do but i can't recall
that sounds... superb..
Boring weekend. Except tonight.

I had an excellent time with an excllent someone. Maybe I made that person happy, even if for a few moments, and that person made me happy, and still happy.

I dunno tho. "Let the chips fall where they may." It seems thats how its gonna be. Everything's all up to chance.

I wish I could be in an accident again....
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see don't think some of those things....please do feel....the fact that you might not let yourself scares me but I also understand the uncomfortableness of it...I promise to be more open if you promise to be more open to it to...I mean what's the worse that could happen....we could be happy....and as I do recall I think I made a promise not to hurt you and you the same...so lets take it easy...and I hope you finally did fall asleep as I never got a return text on the last one.....I had fun last night....I already miss your touch....
By the way: my last post is one of the more insightful things i've written in a while for myself.

In other news- you gotta love people who judge you or pretend to know you based on a cocktail of real life and internet dealings. And you REALLY gotta love people who talk the talk about something they can't even comprehend. And you REALLY REALLY...
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Do I really "gotta love" all these people? Cause to me, they sound pretty hateable, hahaha. I'm funny.
How the fuck are you? Long time no talk, sorry, I've been so busy getting ready to move and working. (yes, I'm leaving Windsor for cambridge, my hometown). We'll have to hit up a Bubble tea joint before I leave, for real.
Goddamn. Women.....they can be so stubborn, yet it comes across as cute....how odd.

Yeah, and I'm STILL happy. Which is even nicer. Seems i've found an equal and that makes me very very very excited on so many levels.

Its nice not being judged, not judging, and just accepting the past and living in the NOW.

Lets face it- bad things happen to all of...
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