Fuck everyone and everything. Fuck the tallest peaks and the bottomless oceans. Fuck hope and fuck dreams and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
How quickly we are tossed aside for new toys and joys. How quickly we are forgotten. How quickly we are left behind to listen to our thoughts....alone in our own darkness...
awww....sorry you feel that way baby. Sorry I fell asleep by the way...but I can't find my meds and generally I am a wreck...but on the brighter side of things I have regained my ability to have a crushing orgasm.
This is my life.
This is ground zero.
I keep repeating the past, expecting new outcomes.
The outcomes are the same.
Collateral damage everywhere.
I'm a sinner. I'm a saint. I'm nothing but a taint.
If I go to heaven, i'll relax, take it easy.
If I go to hell, I will not stop until I'm running the show.
If I survive this round, we'll... Read More