I've been spending most of my free time with this new beau of mine, and I have to say that there's a very different feeling with him. There were things missing from my previous relationships, but with him I feel.... (for lack of a better term) complete.
I'm really content, despite everyone else in my life thinking that I'm crazy, or rushing things, or that this feeling is "just a new relationship lust/excitement" feeling.... it's getting slightly irritating.... but I'm trying to just focus on my relationship and not dwell on what everyone else is saying.
Anyway, besides that.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you moms out there, especially to mine.
I'm really content, despite everyone else in my life thinking that I'm crazy, or rushing things, or that this feeling is "just a new relationship lust/excitement" feeling.... it's getting slightly irritating.... but I'm trying to just focus on my relationship and not dwell on what everyone else is saying.
Anyway, besides that.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you moms out there, especially to mine.

I'm glad you are happy