Getting out and dating..... such an annoying tradition really most of the time. But I have to say that when you find someone sexy as hell and sweet and interesting and what seems to be everything you've ever looked for in a possible partner.... it all seems to just..... melt away.
I suppose it remains to be seen whether this is actually something substantial or...
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I suppose it remains to be seen whether this is actually something substantial or...
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It's been a while since that last blog (obviously).... many things have happened.
The biggest thing being my bf/fiance decided that our relationship wasn't first I was pretty devastated, but have since come to the realization of what a huge douchebag he is and that he did nothing but lie and use me. Can't help but feel kinda naive and stupid.... but luckily that...
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The biggest thing being my bf/fiance decided that our relationship wasn't first I was pretty devastated, but have since come to the realization of what a huge douchebag he is and that he did nothing but lie and use me. Can't help but feel kinda naive and stupid.... but luckily that...
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Congrats on finding someone better! You are gorgeous!
Hey everyone, I know it's been a bit since my last blog.
So, I think I'll be leaving SG soon. Not so much because of anyone on SG but because I don't log on much these days and some of the flirtatious messages some people have sent me were misconstrued by my fiance. Nothing like we had a huge argument and almost broke up or...
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So, I think I'll be leaving SG soon. Not so much because of anyone on SG but because I don't log on much these days and some of the flirtatious messages some people have sent me were misconstrued by my fiance. Nothing like we had a huge argument and almost broke up or...
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i left a bunch of times and came back like months later.
Life lately, completely hectic! But my boyfriend/fiance has finally been able to move into our house. Now I need to get my stuff moved over there... I hate moving.
My job is going well, I love it and all the people I work with. School is....SCHOOL
ANd things are just pluggin along.... can;t complain too much about my life (not that anyone would truly care...
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Hooray for Obama! I still believe in him (despite not agreeing with EVERYTHING he's done thus far).

Thought you might like this
Nickleback Voted Worst Band in the World
Nickleback Voted Worst Band in the World
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Awesome!!
Thank you!

It's been a while since I've posted a new blog.... and I feel that today is an appropriate day to do so.
My grandmother passed away this morning after her kidneys shut down yesterday.
I know she has been wanting to "go" for quite a while, and I know these last few years especially have been very difficult for her. And although I know she's...
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My grandmother passed away this morning after her kidneys shut down yesterday.

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Sorry to hear about your loss . I have been away from the boards for a while. Be happy knowing that your Grandmother is no longer in pain. She is at peace and her soul rests where things don't change and time doesn't matter .
I hope you find yourself in better spirits right now. Like you said, summer is here, so I think it'll be alot nicer to get out and breath in some awesome air up in the wilderness! Taking a positive step forward! Hope the new job is going well for you 

sell it some place else, hippy! My sister goes down to that thing every year. loves it! I hate getting dirty. you see my conflict? Why go down to Utah county and get tempra paint thrown all over me when I can sit in bed and play Xenogears on my PSP? 
I'm entirely too old for that kind of thing. and I say that, knowing FULL WELL that I'm 2 days younger than you

I'm entirely too old for that kind of thing. and I say that, knowing FULL WELL that I'm 2 days younger than you

I went to this too! 

Am I wrong to be incredibly bothered when I share some of my feelings and my boyfriend replies with "You're kidding right?"
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I feel like I could cry right now....

Maybe I'm overreacting, but I feel like I could cry right now....
Doesn't sound good. Emotional maturity to share and accept your partner's feelings is the key to communications in any relationship (it has to work both ways). There's not much context here to work with, and i think you need to let him know that you need to talk about your feelings from time to time (guys generally don't like to go down that road, but they can do it) and that him dismissing your feelings makes you feel even worse. Hopefully you can work through it and it won't spiral downwards. Don't let it make you feel worse! Don't let him dismiss your concerns...that could lead to you feeling that you can't talk to him, which kills your communications, trust and slowly erodes your relationship. Don't let it happen! Guys and gals definitely communicate differently. Don't take it as though its your fault. Its not, but do try to make it work, and hopefully he'll be able to make it work too. Best of luck.
I would say you are not wrong for that, I dont know anything about him, but if that line is an indication of what he's like, you might need to set some grounds of understanding, because he may be totally dismissing what you have to say or how you feel, and although it may not necessarily be on purpose, if you dont make it known, it could unintentionally happen again. Sorry it worked you up, hopefully you guys talk it out. 

Dear 2011,
So, I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!
Sincerely, 1985
Dear J.K. Rowling,
Your books are entirely unrealistic. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends? Come on now.
Sincerely, Anonymous.
Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say "I don't know, let's Yahoo it!" Just sayin'...
Sincerely, Google
Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
Please make one for...
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So, I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!
Sincerely, 1985
Dear J.K. Rowling,
Your books are entirely unrealistic. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends? Come on now.
Sincerely, Anonymous.
Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say "I don't know, let's Yahoo it!" Just sayin'...
Sincerely, Google
Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
Please make one for...
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thats funny

You know how it is when you go to be the subject of a psychology experiment, and nobody else shows up, and you think maybe that's part of the experiment? I'm like that all the time. LoL

really funny but i have benn there too hehhehe
Draws are the worst! And it was the main event, they should have let them go an extra 2 rounds
sometimes I feel like life is a big psychology experiment and nobody else showed up lol

sometimes I feel like life is a big psychology experiment and nobody else showed up lol