please kill me... please oink
So i went out with Amanda yesterday. I have a serious crush on her and well i think i blew it. we were driving back to her place last nite. she was dropping me off at my car and we had been talking about my inabilty to communicate... I was trying to summon the words to ask her out but the words never came out......
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So i have been pondering a lot of stuff lately. Coming up in march i would have been single for a year... its weird to say since i haven't been single in about ten years. so people say that its a good thing some people *family keep on asking if i've been seeing anyone. My answer to the latter is i didnt know i should...
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So February 11th was my birthday... and lets just say it sucked for most of the day.
....try having new years eve. totally BLOWS!! wink
so i got this e-mail that "One of your friends reactivated your SuicideGirls Account!"... what the hell is that about...
how do i find out who did that.... this its weird.. bok
that's pretty awesome!
It is awesome but it would be nice to know who opened my account... bok
how come t the one you love is never the one that loces you?
i am totally lost
wow i cant belive im still here
Honestly, that is probably the best picture ever taken of me (self-portraits/portraits with polaroids are my specialty) aside from the two I've taken in my collection. Thanks for the compliment, however.
went to NIN, show last week it was awsome... other than that life is boring... bok
However far away I will always love you however
Long I stay I will always love you whatever
Words I say I will always love you I will always
Love you bok
I think i want to put dread locks in my hair but i think my hair is to thin....
ooo aaa
so sorry i couldnt be what you wanted so sorry i cant be your last... i will never under stand why you treat me like trash... bok
I think i want to put dread locks in my hair but i think my hair is to thin....
owell bok