things are much brighter in my neck of the woods these days. my holiday weekend started off hectic but ended splendidly. homey has mostly backed off, and at leaste i can sleep in my own bed and enjoy my own home again. so aside from bellydancing, i also sing in this old-timey folk/country/bluegrass band. we play our first show tomorrow night, (eeeek!). i'm excited, but nervous as well. see, we're playing this fundraiser, and we were supposed to be opening for this more established local band. (not to talk trash on said band, but i'm not that crazy about them, they are too dave matthews-ish for my taste, but they have a big following, mostly made up of young girls). but here's the kicker, the well established local band has a gig in seattle the following day, so they want to play first, ie, WE'RE opening for THEM. so all these folks are gonna come late expecting to see these guys and instead they're going to see this band they've never heard of. (double eeek, right?) somebody tell me to break a leg or something.
break a leg! 

y'all are sweet thanks, the show went awesome! our set wasn't perfect, (but i can be a bit of a perfectionist) but we had about 70 people there, and they stuck around and listened. we got a lot of compliments and people asking when we're playing again, so that was super exciting. that's about all i have to report right now, i'll write more later.