so, hey
I'm alone in the house tonight, girl is working to the 11th hour, and I"m left here to my own devices, which is generally unwise. I remember signing on the site oh so long ago (cuz thats what you do when you're home alone and you beat all your videogames and your friends are out doing Saturday Night "things", you reminisce) and I remember thinking to myself, Self, who the fuck is gonna care what you write is little square when their are so many gorgeous women to look who are obviously more interesting and more well read than your hairy ass?"
I still think this, even now, as I type
I wonder who exactly my audience is here. I have a friends list, but who doesn't. You'll notice there are many Suicidegirls there, but I don't know any of them, most were just nice enough to answer questions or comments, others perhaps were stroking my ego for the good of the site, but ulitmately who knows, because I don't.
Being social, by yourself, on a computer, virtually surrounded by like-minded individuals (you assume)
The future is lonely I'm afraid, but I'm used to it by now
Perhaps some of you think this is some sort of a cry out, "Oh boo hoo poor me gimme attention" kind of thing, but honestly, I slowly realizing that I have no one to talk to. Not even you.
Someone should have introduced the person who said "people are like snowflakes" to the persons who thought , "no man is an Island unto themselves" I bet they'd have been very confused with each other
I would've like to have met most of you (uh oh, past tense, that must mean goodbye follows soon, no worries I'm not leaving) I imagine the conversation would've been entertaining
How many people actually MEET on this face to face, in person?
I;'m a big fan of knives, but anyway
I'm usuallt taken aback by people outcries when someone commits suicide and wish something could be done about depression. Truthfully, it's hard for me to see how those two things coincide
My father told me I should see someone, about depression, seeing as he, now through rigorous AA meetings, has discovered he's depressed (oh no), and he's afraid I could be too since is genetically inheirited (OH NO)
I don't believe his advice, nor his prognosis, and I find his assumption insulting quite frankly
fuck I drink alot of soda (Pepsi Max if you're wondering, but any diet soda will do)
I have some art in my home made by a member of this site, and its admired every day
My father, coincidentally, has never seen any of my art, not since I started drawing whn I was................4? 5?
I do not have father issues, I have people issues. Unfortuantely, my father is a person
Yesterday, I nearly beat a kid to death with his own skateboard. No worries, I never actually touched him, but tI was waiting for him to provoke me. Lucky for him, he chose to ignore me instead
I REALLY like to throw people
I think I could amde an excellent Chiropractor, or perhaps a fire juggler
If their are any typo's its my fingers fault
I want to say more, but no one's listening
I'm alone in the house tonight, girl is working to the 11th hour, and I"m left here to my own devices, which is generally unwise. I remember signing on the site oh so long ago (cuz thats what you do when you're home alone and you beat all your videogames and your friends are out doing Saturday Night "things", you reminisce) and I remember thinking to myself, Self, who the fuck is gonna care what you write is little square when their are so many gorgeous women to look who are obviously more interesting and more well read than your hairy ass?"
I still think this, even now, as I type
I wonder who exactly my audience is here. I have a friends list, but who doesn't. You'll notice there are many Suicidegirls there, but I don't know any of them, most were just nice enough to answer questions or comments, others perhaps were stroking my ego for the good of the site, but ulitmately who knows, because I don't.
Being social, by yourself, on a computer, virtually surrounded by like-minded individuals (you assume)
The future is lonely I'm afraid, but I'm used to it by now
Perhaps some of you think this is some sort of a cry out, "Oh boo hoo poor me gimme attention" kind of thing, but honestly, I slowly realizing that I have no one to talk to. Not even you.
Someone should have introduced the person who said "people are like snowflakes" to the persons who thought , "no man is an Island unto themselves" I bet they'd have been very confused with each other
I would've like to have met most of you (uh oh, past tense, that must mean goodbye follows soon, no worries I'm not leaving) I imagine the conversation would've been entertaining
How many people actually MEET on this face to face, in person?
I;'m a big fan of knives, but anyway
I'm usuallt taken aback by people outcries when someone commits suicide and wish something could be done about depression. Truthfully, it's hard for me to see how those two things coincide
My father told me I should see someone, about depression, seeing as he, now through rigorous AA meetings, has discovered he's depressed (oh no), and he's afraid I could be too since is genetically inheirited (OH NO)
I don't believe his advice, nor his prognosis, and I find his assumption insulting quite frankly
fuck I drink alot of soda (Pepsi Max if you're wondering, but any diet soda will do)
I have some art in my home made by a member of this site, and its admired every day
My father, coincidentally, has never seen any of my art, not since I started drawing whn I was................4? 5?
I do not have father issues, I have people issues. Unfortuantely, my father is a person
Yesterday, I nearly beat a kid to death with his own skateboard. No worries, I never actually touched him, but tI was waiting for him to provoke me. Lucky for him, he chose to ignore me instead
I REALLY like to throw people
I think I could amde an excellent Chiropractor, or perhaps a fire juggler
If their are any typo's its my fingers fault
I want to say more, but no one's listening
I got the All-Ireland tartan. Which one are you looking at? Honestly, I could get a few more to wear around, they are really comfortable.