look at this! an update!! just some random things I believe belong here:
I have coined the term "rectal thinking" for those moments when a great idea comes outta your ass
I like to throw people, and it's been too long since I've done so
why don't boxers train with karateka to toughen their hands, wouldn't they benefit from harder, stronger fists?
I am in the midst of pursuing iron claws, and you will see the results of my training when they are achieved
I'm now ALWAYS getting steak and cheese grinders with spinach
Chuck Norris deeply respects and admires the mountain goat
adulthood is atutally an accepted form of spiritual slavery, not old age, for that coomes to us all, but the self- acceptance that your childhood is over and it was worthless. Adulthood is a choice, and not a necessary one
would anyone like to see pictures of my dungeon/home gym?
hockey and wrestling for my birthday, and my girlfriends buying, I'm a lucky guy sometimes
the profile picture is now inaccurate, for I no longer wrestle for SRW, it is now called Baystate Championship Wrestling
don't be afraid of people with big biceps, be afraid of big forearms and big callouses on the knuckles
Did I mention I like to throw people?
Conan and Popeye are great role models
and thats' it for this randome session, tune in next time!!
I have coined the term "rectal thinking" for those moments when a great idea comes outta your ass
I like to throw people, and it's been too long since I've done so
why don't boxers train with karateka to toughen their hands, wouldn't they benefit from harder, stronger fists?
I am in the midst of pursuing iron claws, and you will see the results of my training when they are achieved
I'm now ALWAYS getting steak and cheese grinders with spinach
Chuck Norris deeply respects and admires the mountain goat
adulthood is atutally an accepted form of spiritual slavery, not old age, for that coomes to us all, but the self- acceptance that your childhood is over and it was worthless. Adulthood is a choice, and not a necessary one
would anyone like to see pictures of my dungeon/home gym?
hockey and wrestling for my birthday, and my girlfriends buying, I'm a lucky guy sometimes

the profile picture is now inaccurate, for I no longer wrestle for SRW, it is now called Baystate Championship Wrestling
don't be afraid of people with big biceps, be afraid of big forearms and big callouses on the knuckles
Did I mention I like to throw people?
Conan and Popeye are great role models
and thats' it for this randome session, tune in next time!!

I'd like to see the home gym, I'd like to do something similar in the future and always need ideas.