tried a little different approach with the upper body focus, trying REALLY hard to up my grip and forearm strength before the steel comes, so..........
weighted dips: 4 sets, worked up to 3 x 35 lbs (i weigh about 230 lbs)
alternated with
eagle claw pullups: since i used bands for assistance since i suck at pullups, I gradually lessen the band resistance until it was just raw pullups, roughly 4 sets of 5,4,3,3
lever grip KB C&P: each grip on handle (3 grips) 3 x 5 with 35lbs, 1 x max with 53lbs (usually one or two)
torch press: 20 lbs - 3 x 4
alternated with
thick DB hammer curls: 47 lbs each - 3 x 5
next workout: lower body and hand specific
weighted dips: 4 sets, worked up to 3 x 35 lbs (i weigh about 230 lbs)
alternated with
eagle claw pullups: since i used bands for assistance since i suck at pullups, I gradually lessen the band resistance until it was just raw pullups, roughly 4 sets of 5,4,3,3
lever grip KB C&P: each grip on handle (3 grips) 3 x 5 with 35lbs, 1 x max with 53lbs (usually one or two)
torch press: 20 lbs - 3 x 4
alternated with
thick DB hammer curls: 47 lbs each - 3 x 5
next workout: lower body and hand specific

I've finally got my hands on some Kettlebells but seeing as I'm a complete amateur I'm sticking to swings and get-ups for now. The form for my cleans needs a lot of work.
nopers, whales tale. look it up.