today's workout for May 8th, yesterday was a rest day:
sandbag Turkish get-up, shoulder style, 100 lbs bag - 4x4 (alternate shoulder each set)
Kettlebell 1- arm Clean and Press ladder with Eagle Claw pullups ( 1 C+P left, 1 C+P right, ! pullup, 2 C+P left, 2 C+P right, 2 pullups, 3 C+P left, 3 C+P right, 3 pullups) reapeat until you can't meet prescribed reps
eat, shower, then admire shoulders getting much bigger
sandbag Turkish get-up, shoulder style, 100 lbs bag - 4x4 (alternate shoulder each set)
Kettlebell 1- arm Clean and Press ladder with Eagle Claw pullups ( 1 C+P left, 1 C+P right, ! pullup, 2 C+P left, 2 C+P right, 2 pullups, 3 C+P left, 3 C+P right, 3 pullups) reapeat until you can't meet prescribed reps
eat, shower, then admire shoulders getting much bigger

sounds like you getting buff!
i wrestle in real life every day!