This flier took me two days to complete. The figure is based on a photo of Molly Friedrich by Libby Bulloff. The dragon is original.
Each stage was complicated: the smoke in the background needed tweaking; after adding the the lens flare/gun power-up (which took for bloody ever) I decided the dragon needed butching up (mostly via talons, sharper teeth, and little details you can't see in the lower res version); and, uh... the text layout was a pain in the butt.
I love this image so much. It kinda caught me off guard how much I love it. I may do a non-flier version when I have time.
Click HERE to see a larger version so you can revel in the spiny detail.
P.S. I'm going to be in Seattle next weekend busking about town (follow my Twitter page to see precisely where I'll be and when). I'll also be attending the Neovictorian Exhibition Ball at MOHAI on Saturday night, and I'd love to meet you, sign your copy of our album, or give you a new one.