well i dont have much time, i just got a helmet and i leave tomorow. i am very excited, nervous and every other emtion you could possibly feel. no big deal. i will say hi in a week and update thins journal so all 5 people can read it lol. thanks for the prayers and support
oh i hope you are ok out there...i miss you,please write me soon!!!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
alright whats the deal. you always see it in war movies, the guy has some kind of crazy traumatic experience in combat and then has all those messed up wierdo dreams and wakes up in a sweaty mess. i didnt think that shit was real. i cant fall asleep anymore and when i do i wake up 2 hours later breathing hard and scared outta...
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best of luck man smile
smile ,missing you babes muahh
well i woke up with a raging headache today. go figure! nothing much else is going on. just trying to heal up and get a new helmet so i can get back out there. i feel like i am abandaning my team. they are out there and i am sitting here on the internet. but i was able to watch the football games. i hate...
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You didn't do anything!?!? Dude you got shot in the head, carried on fighting and won. I think it's the bravery that people look up to rather than the injury.
well i have been here at the FOB for a few days now and i am anxious and nervous to be going back out there. but i am a team leader and i need to be with my soldiers. my parents emailed me some pictures of mu puppy, man i miss that little runt like you would never believe. her name is Gen and she...
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Hey, I just thought I would drop by and say hello. Hope all is well.
hope things are going well for u . I haven't heard from a friend of mine who is in the army so i'm kinda worried. I hope he is ok frown
well 2 days ago i was shot in the head while doing a patrol in downtown mosul,iraq. we were just walking along and i felt like i got hit in the head with a rock. when i looked up there was smoke pouring out of my head and i could feel the blood running down my head. my reaction was not one of shock or...
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Hey man smile Did you keep the bullet? You know if you carry it with you, you won't get hit in future. I got scared to go out after I got stabbed in a local town blackeyed All I can say is get back out there as soon as you're able and remember it's the fear that keeps you alive wink