so lets see whats new... oh yeah! my boyfriend and I (a little over 7 months) just broke up this weekend. did i mention i live with him? ohhhh... and we're both doing summer abroad in italy this summer, and were schedualed to backpack through europe together for three weeks after that.
luckily i'm taking it really well, and the beautiful weather this week is certainly keeping me cheery
but as i'm sure you can all understand... acting like nothing happened, and like you can go from being in love to not at all in the span of a day is slightly uncomfortable
HOWEVER... theres a little less than a month left of the semester, the weather is georgous, my friends are amazing, i'm living my life, laughing a lot, and getting to see people i hadn't been making enough time for.
. so..lets party huh?

If you swing by venice while in italy and are looking for some americans that lack the capacity to learn itlalian while living in italy drop a note lol always looking for some new people to chill with especially ones that speak english lol laters
good to see you're handling it well. are you still going to italy with him?