wow..i haven't written a WHIIILE! lets see..whats been going on! ok, heres something for ya'll. my mother is a hooker. not a real one, a metaphorical one. my spring break is coming up soon and she wants me to get a job. a job for a week? mmm, the only job that requires a day to day basis could be done from my local street corner (haha..but seriously, ew). i want to go somewhere for spring mexico...or cananda. hmmm, any offers?

so what happend for spring break!? i am going to hilton head in south carolina first week in april.
let the drunkeness ensue! so this is just kinda to let you know i am back. been inactive for a while. lator gator!

Your pix. They are, how you say, the small. They are the small, your pix. Why? Why no make the largey? The pix of making the bigness? For the looking, and the seeing? I ask you.