so i just set up my first christmas tree (i'll explain...) in my first apartment in good old brooklyn! see my parents are aetheists.... my brothers a diest ( believe in god and no particular religion) and i have yet to determine my religion. i figure i can't choose one until i know all the aspects of all of them. as of now i'm in religious limbo which is fine by me .
- i'll just stay a pirate forever
but anyway... i decorated this bad ass tree (and i'd love to put a picture up but i apparently have no picture posting skills)
Its awesome... one of the guys that lives here is jewish (ok, its not technically my apartment. i'm a bit of a nomad BUT i am now considered the "honorary roomate". anywsay, so he's jewish so he put up blue and white christmas lights all over (the hannukah colors). i painted all our names on the stockings and everything. man i wish i could show you this shit! yayyy for presents which i cant afford!

poor you, ya that sounds really sad.
And has anyone told you lately that you are just about the cutest Brooklynite (or is it Brooklander?) around? Well, I think it's true.