so i've got a funny little story for everybody. So my college has this dance every year (kind of corny, i know)..but its a fun chance to dress up and look hot. anyway, so i was a tad tipsy, and my date and i got a little randy, so we decided to go explore. This place was really nice - grand staircase, beautiful balconies, antique couches - everything. So we go upstairs, I get to dancing
and this waiter comes up and sees me. He says "listen, my boss is making his rounds, i don't mind, but if you two want to fool around, go to this room upstairs, and go in to the corner" We thought he was just being nice, so we went to this big beautiful dark ballroom he sent us to. We had a little bit of fun, and when we were done with our business we left ... as we were walking out of the room we saw him behind one of the tables pretending to tie his shoes! I'm sure as we left he thought to himself "how slick, they didn't catch me!" we couldn't believe how sketchy it was... the same thing happened to two friends of ours! same room..same dude! haha oooh sketchy caitering halls! hehe sure made the night Xiting though!
I like the new pictures. I don't think that your but is not big.