man..that 70's show is GREAT! i'll admit it, i've seen every episode in the first three seasons. BUT in my defense, i don't have cable yet, so I have to rely on dvd's. anyway, i'm sitting at work and since theres cable here and i basically just sit around and wait for customers i can watch all the freeee tv i want. the new season ROCKS! donna's blonde, jackie is hot, KITTY LIT HER HAIR ON FIRE (haha i think thats funny cause i almost did the same thing last night), and now theres a hot ass stripper on th show for some reason. oh man. work's fun!

wow, you live near bedstuy? that just doesnt add up. youre too tiny. 

oh and i moved to wisconsin to get away from ny. it was driving me nuts. i was living on the island and working on water street. if you want to do the math of lirr>penn station>wall st>walking to water st you would see that i needed to wake up 3 hours before i got to work everyday. in madison, i fall out of bed to go to work. but it really is a great place. but so is san fran.