People are always very suprised to find I was in the Navy, and that i was also in the Gulf War. I don't talk about it much as it was some time ago, but I was most certainly there. It was what it was at the time you know? Normally no biggie.
Well, I got a text messege from a friend today saying Happy Veterans day. Its rare that I hear anything like that, as so few people even know I was in the Navy. Not to be all heavy, but it struck me this time and I got a tad emotional.
I think last week we had our 2000th soldier die in Iraq. Most of them probably hated this war as much or more then you do. When I joined the navy there hadn't been a real war in my life time (well, Vietnam but I was 1). I was NONE TO HAPPY to be in Desert Storm, but there we were. It didn't occur to me when I joined that I might REALLY end up in a war. My point is that one of those 2000 dead guys could have been me 10/12 years ago.
We take it for granted what our military goes thru to try and keep us safe, and to make the world better place. If you weren't there then you can't imagine. Pictures don't tell you the dirty truth...just like with 9/11, or Hurricane Katrina when all you see are pics and news stories the media show us. They are just photos and stories to most of us. Its very real over there right now..every day, every meal, every bomb, bullet, and dead guy.
Do me a favor and do something simple to say thanks for risking your life. Call your Dad (or Mom), your friend, the guy you went to Highschool with... and just say Happy Veterns day. Anyone you can think of really. No need to go overboard...just recognize them. I never thought I would care much to hear anyone recognize it for me, but it really stuck me in these times.
If you feel it, do something greater. Send a care package to random soldiers (Your local VA office will help you with this). Call or visit a Veterans Hospital to volunteer. Give that bum that says he's veteran a buck to get drunk on tonight.
but most importnatly...just say something. Even if its not untill Monday.
People are always very suprised to find I was in the Navy, and that i was also in the Gulf War. I don't talk about it much as it was some time ago, but I was most certainly there. It was what it was at the time you know? Normally no biggie.
Well, I got a text messege from a friend today saying Happy Veterans day. Its rare that I hear anything like that, as so few people even know I was in the Navy. Not to be all heavy, but it struck me this time and I got a tad emotional.
I think last week we had our 2000th soldier die in Iraq. Most of them probably hated this war as much or more then you do. When I joined the navy there hadn't been a real war in my life time (well, Vietnam but I was 1). I was NONE TO HAPPY to be in Desert Storm, but there we were. It didn't occur to me when I joined that I might REALLY end up in a war. My point is that one of those 2000 dead guys could have been me 10/12 years ago.
We take it for granted what our military goes thru to try and keep us safe, and to make the world better place. If you weren't there then you can't imagine. Pictures don't tell you the dirty truth...just like with 9/11, or Hurricane Katrina when all you see are pics and news stories the media show us. They are just photos and stories to most of us. Its very real over there right now..every day, every meal, every bomb, bullet, and dead guy.
Do me a favor and do something simple to say thanks for risking your life. Call your Dad (or Mom), your friend, the guy you went to Highschool with... and just say Happy Veterns day. Anyone you can think of really. No need to go overboard...just recognize them. I never thought I would care much to hear anyone recognize it for me, but it really stuck me in these times.
If you feel it, do something greater. Send a care package to random soldiers (Your local VA office will help you with this). Call or visit a Veterans Hospital to volunteer. Give that bum that says he's veteran a buck to get drunk on tonight.
but most importnatly...just say something. Even if its not untill Monday.
so how are you today mr.? x