5 hour session on wednesday to help alucard reach his end and damn i thought itd be all over but noooooooooooooooo i have at least another 8 to 12 hours to finish him and damn does my back hurt - didnt hurt while the tat was being done but after through now is hell
hut im happy i got some more work done
its been since february that i had worked on him. well month and a half probably and ill do more - either that or making a trip to colorado
to go see a friend. not much more to report - working my gigantor fat ass off as of late and not sleeping much (not being able to sleep on my back doesnt help things) - think im getting sick [man its been a while]
well i hope you all are doing well ill get to your journals soon enough.
and as for the last entry my good friend died in Iraq and news just made it to me the other day - and i hadnt talked to him since he left at the beginning of all this - seems i never really uderstood how much he meant to me till he was taken
but he was a goddamn good man and im sure is in a better place
and hey question of the day here people : if you could rule the world by amassing an army of any ONE particular animal which would it be and how would you utilize them?
you people probably already know mine but if you cant remember read teh profile!

and as for the last entry my good friend died in Iraq and news just made it to me the other day - and i hadnt talked to him since he left at the beginning of all this - seems i never really uderstood how much he meant to me till he was taken

and hey question of the day here people : if you could rule the world by amassing an army of any ONE particular animal which would it be and how would you utilize them?
you people probably already know mine but if you cant remember read teh profile!

I think my army would be........hrmm....am I guaranteed world domination with any choice? or do I have to pick an animal that would actually kill and eat its way to world domination?
here are my choices:
non-guaranteed world domination: rhinos or hippos. those fuckers are mean!
guaranteed world domination: bulldogs (complete with rabies shots and neutering/spaying), or giraffes. I ♥ giraffes!