work sleep work sleep work sleep work sleep work sleep
gah seems like all i do anymore. DL was a great break from the routine but im right back where i started oh well im sure ill find a way to break the monotony eventually
question of the day : if you could be one superhero or supervillain which one would you be?
ah and the much awaited (well for some of you) update on disneyland! was a great goddman day indeed! havent been there in 10 years and now i cant wait to go back. spent the better of the morning hours with XanaxBoy. promised two things would happen that he may or may not like but i told him wed both ride a rocket *ahem*... Read More
been hangin with Dang ALL damn day his dad fixed my truck after it kicked dangs ass and left him scarred then we had lunch mmmmmmmm wonton ramen and gyoza *drools*. going to disneyland tomorrow for the first time in i dont know like years (i probably cant count that high anyways) i just really want to take obscene pics with the characters then again... Read More
ok so maybe the hand wont stay - a person i hold in very high regard made a good suggestion about me avoiding my stalker ex heh heh and the epileptic hand has reached its final doom! updates and pics coming soon as to what my lifes been entailing as of late