So before I write my blog on the recent SG Aussie Annual Ball I wanted to tell you guys all about my spontaneous trip to LA!
So you may of seen my last blog debating whether or not I would fly from Sydney Australia to LA in the States to attend the Black Heart Burlesque SG Auditions. Well I bit the bullet and booked flights last Sunday night! this gave me not even 3 days to prepare..
Those days went SO fast! with work, trying to figure out accommodations, packing my bag, getting my roots done, finding my passport, power adapter, travel documents, lucky my ESTA was still valid from last year when I got married!
Anyway Wednesday night I fly out for a 19 hour adventure, involving a 3 hour stop over in Hawaii to get out of LAX before midnight on Wednesday night. SO I gained a day and successful time traveled to the states! lol
I met up with @sunny who was my hero for the whole trip! organzing the places I was staying, showing me around, hanging out with me, introducing me to people and taking me out to dinner. I feel like I've made a life long friend with her and I hope I can return the favour to her one day! miss her so much already! I also meet up with @peneloppe that night and it was with her and her husband that I spent most of my night. I am SO THANKFUL for their couch and hospitality. I felt so at home in their place and it was so nice to get to know her. she is adorable!
Anyway so major activities!
@sunny took me to the SG head quarters where I got to meet @missy and I died a little inside at how cute she was! I was given some merch which I was so happy about as postage to Australia is crazy!
I got to hang out with @leviathan for a lunch at my fave place ever! and later we went to drinks at the opening night of The sandbox for @bradley which was across the road. I got to hang with @kiley who is my makeup spirit animal!
Then the big day! The @blackheartburlesque Audition. wow so nerve racking, I had my Aussi SG fam help to decide on what to wear and I could feel their crazy love and support all the way over in LA. There was about 30 girls auditioning. I was number 21 and I got to meet the lovely @liryc who took the audition. @sean and @missy were there which was a bit daunting but I tried to just have a great time.
We learnt one of the groups routines which was super fast but super fun! I had a great time learning it.. super sweaty and hot. It's amazing how muhc more energy you exert when you are fighitng for something you really want. We were then split into groups and asked to perform facing everyone. I was repeatedly called back around 4 times. I feel like my performance of it just got better with each time. I was exhausted though haha and LA tap water which I had put in my bottle tastes disgusting! haha I was lucky I then got to have lunch with @kentkaliber who is just an allround amazing human being. super glad I got to met him.
Anyway later that night I got an email asking me to come in for a call back rehearsal that would be paid.. AT first I was ecstatic!! I had done it! I had gotten through.. at least to the next round! I looked at the date and my heart sank so far.. It was a week away, 2 days after I left to go back home.. now I feel like I need to explain, I had given up a week of work and cancelled 2 of my own gigs back home to come to this auditions.. Now staying would of meant cancelling 3 more shows and more work.. AND I had people staying with me because on the same day back in Australia our Suicide Girls Annual Ball would be on... I thought on it and asked for a lot of advice.. I even emailed back asking if there was something, anything I could do before I went home because I just couldnt stay longer..and at the end of the day if I wanted to work for them I would need a VISA and would have to go back home to figure that out.. so I made the tough choice to go home.. I never actually heard back from my emails. But I'm still glad I went I wouldnt of given up my week in LA for anything.. I was really sad to leave though.. and my gut felt sick all while I kenw these second rehearsals went on back in LA while I was back home...
We went to the Peek a Boo Blackheart Burlesque night at Pour Vous which was fabulous, I meet so many more SG babes like @pulp @sirius @kezia @myzaree @jimisin @lyxzen @ness and probably a bunch more! I even ended up in the article about the show in the LA weekly! crazyiness!
I spent 2 nights closer into Hollywood so that I could do some shopping (USA your Sephora is the most dope shit ever) and so that I was closer to Bar Sinister where I was lucky enough to get to Gogo dance with @sunny and Sara on the Internet. I really have to thank @kentkaliber for giving me the opportunity and being awesome! As well as Nicole for letting me sleep on her couch for 2 days!
Bar Sinister was the most amazing venue I think I've ever danced at! and Unlike Australia with their strict no touching the dancers policy I got some amazing tips!! and basically made back what I had spent already in LA! that made me feel pretty amazing <3
I had a beach day on Sunday with sunny and her friend Jen. We smoked, laid on the sand and had a super chill day, went to hooters, all that jazz!
I had 3 photoshoots for this trip one with Victoria Allen, Josh and Michael Helm. ALl of which were amazing!! and I got to spend some time hanging out with canadian babe @kezia and see some sites!
My last night was spent with Sunny and her friend again,drinking, smoking, hanging out in West Hollywood before I had to head to the airport at 3:30amfor my flight home with a Hawaii stop over..
Thats it in the smallest nutshell I can manage.. It started and was over so quickly I still don't know how to feel about it all really. But I'm super glad I got to go and hopefully something amazing still comes out of it..hopefully my effort to go over and audition is felt and appreciated... everyone was so lovely to me and I was so excited to meet so many girls... Hopefully this is the first step in the right direction of being able to tour with @blackheartburlesque one day....