No @bloghomeworkfor me this week @missy @rambo @lyxzen !
As an Australian I find it really hard to talk about Halloween as it's just not celebrated here like it is in the states. Which is okay because it’s not cultural our holiday anyway. So no homework today BUT I hope to celebrate it in America one day and write all about it! but today I'm going to give you something I know you’ve been waiting for!!
I know most of you know I got married in July while in New York City!
I want to share some of my favourite memories and moments from that day with you all ^_^ especially since I now have all the photos!!
This was a stressful part of the day. Because being that we were trying to do everything cheap AF I did all my own hair and makeup, Im really proud with how this all turned out though! And just how sexy I look throughout the process ^_^
I REALLY loved my Doc Martins and how they were just so.. ME
Probably the only thing that sucked about the process of preparation being we did the thing was that I was unaware you cant book 2 Uber cars at once.. SO I was left trying to hail a yellow cab for 15 mins and everyone slowed down to take photos of me haha made for some cute photos
The day was 37 degree Celsius and we were sweat.. and nervous. It was fucking hot!! The first look was so nerve wracking and I just remember thinking as I walked down the stairs just how no one else was on them somehow? Funny how things just work out so perfectly.
It didn’t take me long to realize my partner Linh was crying so I jumped the last few steps to cuddle her. All my nerves disappeared after I grabbed her.
We fucked around a bit cooling of before the ceremony, taking photos and being cute haha
Walking to the ceremony I realized I should of taken some time at home to break my Docs in.. I had major blisters going on haha
There were turtles along this path in the water and I thought they were so cute!
We got married in Ladies Pavilion in Central Park it was super cute and we were happy for the shade!
Linh’s vows CRUSHED IT look at her little tear!! It chokes me up every time I think about it. They were perfect.. I hated having to read my shitty shitty vows after her amazing ones. Everyone cried at her words.
My sister said later “I cried because I don’t think anyone will ever love me like Linh loves you” and that was really special to me
Our celebrant Harris Bloom was awesome!! He was a comedian who raises moneys for abandoned cats ans dogs. He was the perfect amount of serious and funny and personal and everything!
Fuck apologize there are so many great photos! I am seriously only uplaoding like 5% of all the photos I actually have!
These were all the people at the wedding, Left to right, Jide my sisters boyfriend, Emily my twin sister, me, Linh and Linh's best friend Fabian.
This was super chill and awesome. Great food, illegal public drinking, cake and best of all I got to take my shoes and petticoat off. It was still so hot!
Hope you’ve enjoyed my photos!! I’ve loved sharing the preparation, the day and everything about my Wedding with you over this year! It’s been so nice sharing with you all ^_^