So, I haven't been very active on the site lately because Ive had probably the craziest year in my personal life thus far. Back in November my dad ended up getting very sick with a brain infection called Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopthy (PML). It is very rare and usually fatal within the first 6 months. He no longer could see, and lost all motor functions on his left side of his body. It caused him to have two strokes 6 weeks apart from one another and lose a ton of weight. The doctors said there's no treatment and there's nothing they can do. So with that, they decided that it would be best for him to be on Hospice. Insurance doesn't cover "in-home" hospice and there was no way I would place my dad in a facility. I feel the level of care from someone who loves you is much more than any nurse could provide. So, I decided it would be best for me to pack up my things and move out of my little beach house to move home to care for my dad. It's hard but I wouldn't have it another way. It makes me very happy to care for him. I have always had an amazing relationship with him. He's doing great and everything is returning to normal for me. I will be coming out of hiatus haha, now that things aren't so hectic. I have a new set coming out here very soon that I shot with Venom and couldn't be more pleased with the way it turned out. It was shot in my little beach house before I moved! Keep your eyes peeled for it and I will be much more active now that things have chilled out for me. Thank you to everyone for the love and support through my hard times! xoxo
you're AMAZING and I certainly wish you and dad peace and the best of luck!
I'm a bit late to comment, but I hope your dad is a little more stable. Wishing him the best. What you did makes you and even more beautiful person than these pictures already show. Stay strong.