Good evening, and Merry Christmas, SG!
I have been super horrible at getting on SG. If you read my update from earlier this year, you know that I quit my job last year, and changed careers. I work a normal 9-5 job, now and don't have the messed up days off that I did before (which I didn't mind, but it was difficult knowing when I would be off work and when I wouldn' doesn't make much for a social life).
It has been a bit of an adjustment, and I am still getting used to it. My kiddo started middle school this year, and it is a trying time in and of itself. My partner in crime no longer is working (he retired), so it is definitely making for more family life and social life....but it takes away from me getting on here like I used to be able to do. It isn't a bad thing, but I definitely have neglected being on here more like I had wanted.
Anyways, I wanted to share that I just had a new set come out, called Corner Pocket, that was shot by the amazing @courage last year in Nashville for a shootfest. She did such an amazing job, and she worked her gorgeous ass off to try to make things look amazing. Please give this set some love, and show Courage some love as well, because what you don't know is that behind the scenes, the lighting was NOT in our favor the day of this shoot. It was cloudy, dark, and I believe kind of rainy. The house we were in was beautiful, and had a lot of good places to shoot, but of course, I wanted the pool table haha. Courage made things work though, and this set still looks fabulous. Please let her know that the fruits of her labor are worth it!
Now that I have mentioned my newest set, let's talk about where it was shot....Nashville! This was a particularly special trip for me, because it was the first time I have traveled by myself in an airplane. All the times I have traveled before, it was with my family, or with a friend or two. I never ventured through the air by myself. I wanted to bring a friend along, but most of my friends do not hold a particular interest in doing photoshoots for SG or OF or anything of that nature. As I have wanted to spend more time at photoshoots networking and meeting ladies who I admired and wanted to meet or work with, I thought it would be best if I went solo this round. I was a nervous wreck the day I left my house and went on my way to the airport. I had to remember everything that my family and I did when we went, checking off the boxes in my head to make sure I did everything correctly. My flight was a little late, which made me more anxious that I would not get to Nashville in time. I finally was able to board after a few minute delay, and was on my way to Tennessee. My next thought was I have to find my ride to the photoshoot location! Luckily, the everyone I have met that was on SG has been pretty fucking awesome, and the two gorgeous babes who picked me up were nothing less than that. I had to do a victory cry in my head when we left the airport and got to the shoot location....I had accomplished traveling by myself. I could do it.
I should note that I am also an insulin dependent diabetic. Not that that makes me incapable of traveling by myself, but it is a nice idea to have a friend who knows what to do in case my sugar drops and I start acting loopy and unaware of what is going on. Still, I had to know that if I ever needed to travel by myself, I could. And I did. I unfortunately am socially awkward around new people, and am totally an introvert. So, my inner battle of wanting to network and be somewhat outgoing and myself but also being nervous around new people and not knowing what to say and people thinking I'm a weirdo......yeah...the introvert won lol. I mean, there were some amazing women there! Some whom I have wanted to meet for awhile, but also ladies I never knew. We had some great nights out, and made some great memories. I wish I could have worked with more of the amazing women I met, but being socially awkward (and watching the monetary funds), I was only able to really create a little bit of content.
I hope to be able to go to another shootfest again one day, and hope to work with some of the wonderful women I met in it doing a solo set or a group shoot (if I can get over being socially awkward!). I will try to find some pics to post :)
As for now, I am hoping to get back on track with making content between here and OF. I have neglected OF more than here, but maybe once I become totally acclimated with normal life I can post more hahah. I unfortunately am dealing with a broken hot water heater at the moment (yes, on Christmas of all days), so that normalcy may take a hot minute (no pun intended).
For now, I hope everyone has the happiest of holidays!
Love you all, and thank you for your continued love and support! <3 <3