I can't believer I made it to over 1000 likes. I am so honored and appreciative of all the love and comments. Seriously....I was so unhappy with how the editing came out and things not working in my favor at all....but seeing that it has received more love than when things did seem to go right.....I am just very thankful for the support of everyone. Really, this means a lot to me. I am hoping more contests will come around (I missed out on the merch contest) and I hope the self shot contests continue as well! It's a lot of work, but there is a lot to learn and they can be a lot of fun (even if things seem to go wrong!). It's nice to see the talent many of these women have behind the camera as well as in front of it. I hope to be a part of more self shot contests (hopefully I can learn about them sooner lol) and maybe one day be bumped up as one of the runners in the contest!
Thank you all so much again for the love. I can't wait until the next one comes up and I can try my hand at it again <3 <3