Hello SGland!
@missy @lemon @penny
Here is part 2 of who I would love to see turn pink (I had quite a few for the first that I didn't want to make things too long!):
Hopeful since 2016. I am not sure if she is active on here anymore, but I think paramite has some very beautiful sets and she just looks so gorgeous...I can't believe she has turned pink yet. This set, Sweetest Cakes, shot by @madnessphotography is well over 2k likes and the first that caught my eye of how drop dead gorgeous paramite is.
Hopeful since 2016. I mean, look at that face......fucking adorable! Reggielove's smile always draws me in and she is a sweetheart. We have never met in person, but I have seen one of her livestreams and she is so outgoing and friendly.....just sweet in general. I love this set shot by @sunshine called Dedicated to You. Let me tell you something....she is definitely dedicated! Look at all of her sets! I'm hoping she turns pink soon <3 <3
Hopeful since 2018. I have never never met someone who is so fucking sweet. Meaning, I have never met Melissalalucy, but she is fucking sweet. She is always such a big advocate and promoter of fellow hopefuls and brings an important reminder to this community.......supporting each other....women supporting other women in their journey. Melissalalucy constantly is putting her plugs in for ladies she can't believe have not turned pink. She has posted her WCW picks on who she is loving.....and they include longtime and new hopefuls. She takes the time to post her support for her fellow hopefuls and does it very frequently. Does she want to turn pink? Hell yeah!! But she wants to see many of her fellow hopefuls turn pink as well and pushes to get them more recognition....and many off of her list have had their dream come true....so let's do the same for her for all the support she has given with Pink Incantations by @valo I fully support a badass babe who looks smokin hot and shows so much love and support for her fellow models.
Hopeful since 2014. I'm just gonna leave this photo right here.....it is self explanatory.......but I will add these few things.....how the hell is she not pink yet, look at all of her sets because they are amazing and please please please please pink her!! Photo is from her set So Cliche by @corwinprescott
Hopeful since 2010. Cersei is a staff photographer, but can we fucking turn her pink?!? Look at those eyes and that hair!!! Like Nike, just do it. I don't need to explain why......it's a no brainer. MAKE CERSEI PINK!! Set is Limelight by @lady
Hopeful since 2014. Those eyes just suck me in everytime....holy shit. I am in love with her new set Succulent Seduction by @sunshine The colors are amazing as are the shots. I can't get over this picture from aforementioned set. Let's make this set the one that finally turns Sleuth pink!
That's it for now....I may have a part 3 soon!!! I keep finding more babes who need to turn pink!