How are you, my dear reader? (Yeah READER, in singular: i am quite sure the things i write are only read by one. person... maybe, on an odd day, two)
I had a nice surprise waiting for me this afternoon, upon my arrival at home. After feeling all emo and shit all day long, i decided to take a quick detour to the comic... Read More
And i have caught a weird bug going around... i'v been sick these past two days.
I wish i had a SG taking care of me.
I need some tlc.. specially now that im all sick n stuff.
Meh, gonna crawl back into bed.
I always say that what scares me the most are Clowns and Aliens (of the Grey variety).
Clowns are the spawn of Satan's ass. There's nothing more to it. Now, Aliens: they scare the shit outta me. Not because they are technologically, ideologically, culturally more advanced than us puny humans, and can decimate us with a wave of their bulbous fingers. No. What terrifies me... Read More
It took me 10 long years to get up here and be able to go to animation school.
Just yesterday i started production on my final animated short. Time has gone by way too fast, and i can't believe i am at the final 3 months of my journey to be a full fledged animator.
This, like most noteworthy journeys, has been a lonely one.... Read More