I got this shit posted on my FB, and decided to share it here as well... kinda gives you and insight of what i like and yada yada yada...
1 Star Wars -My dad got me hooked into this one. When i was a kid i wanted to be either a Giant Robot Pilot, a Swordfighter or an Astronaut, so when i saw Luke wield that Lightsaber and fly that X-Wing i was forever hooked. On a side note, my dad was in the hospital a few weeks before Episode 1 opened down here. He got better all of a sudden... and we agreed that i would pick him up and go see that movie together. He died a week after that. So the whole SW thing with me is not only the childhood nostalgia; it reminds me of my dad... who was the one who showed me how to appreciate movies in general...
2 Event Horizon -Fucking movie gave me nightmares, and i was not a kid when i saw this. LIBERATE TU TEMET EX INFERIS! Shit, that captains log scene really disturbed me.
3 The Lion King -One of the best movies EVER. There is a lot of learning to be gathered from this flick. and i cry when Mufasa dies: i do. Every single time i see it i cry like a 12 year old.
4 Big Fish -I tell stories. The guy in the movie told stories. This move was got me deep and got me hard. It kinda hit really close to home, in ways i cant really describe.
5 Marley and Me -I cried like a little bitch with this movie. Not only because of the stupid dog, but because that family in the movie is what my family would've been if things would've turned out differently.
6 Silver Bullet -Great Werewolf story by Stephen King. When i was a kid i only saw the poster for it at the movie theater; then went on a trip to Volcan and Cerro Punta with my mom, grandma, sister and some older aunts and uncles and what not. While all the grownups went out, we were left in the house with the nanny and the lights went out. I was 100% positive the Werewolf from the poster was outside the cabin we were staying at and that we were all gonna get eaten by him. Pure HORROR.
7 IT -I.FUCKING.HATE.CLOWNS. I used to see a clown waving at me whenever i would flush the toilet as a kid. It would terrify me, until the day i locked myself and flushed away my fear. Then i saw this movie and it fucked me up again.
8 The Neverending Story -Remember seeing the poster on the ROOSEVELT THEATER with my dad one day. And later on having a discussion with a friend of mine about the Dog headed Dragon. Then i saw the movie and i LOVED IT. I loved it so much i wear the Auryn tattooed on my arm.
9 What Dreams may come -What Robin Williams did for his family in this movie, for his wife, is what i would do for my family: Go to the depths of hell and back for them. This one got close to my core too.
10 Return to OZ -Let's face it: not only Fairuza Balk was steaming hot at 9 years old (i was like 6 when i saw it) but those scenes of the wheel guy falling into the dessert and turning into sand? the headless witch? fuck man... that movie was hardcore. Still one of my favorites.
11 RATS: Night of Terror -This 1985 Italian B horror movie freaked me out. My dad rented it on BETA and i watched it with him. It's like a zombie movie but with rats... and then at the end? FUCK ME MAN! Is that Splinter? Why is he not teaching the Turtles? Oh.. it's still about 6 years for you to even learn of the existence of the Ninja Turtles... now go try to sleep boy, come on.. i dare you!
12 Flight of Dragons -Long before i realized i was a geek, long before my love relationship with Star Wars and Comics and Dungeons and Dragons and all that, there was this movie. A nerd designs a game, and ends up being transported to another world where magic is real. There is a HUGE fucking Hydra, the Nerd ends up as a Dragon himself, and in the end Science beats magic and oh my god what an amazing movie. It is not out on DVD. If you are lucky you can find a used VHS tape on amazon for about $100. Or see it on Google Video for free.
13 Revenge of the Nerds -Saw it with my dad at the Theater Roosevelt; my mom didn't want me to see it at the beginning... but we went and saw it. I was a little kid back then, but seeing low budget SciFi movies with my dad was great. Seeing the nerds, i understood my dad was one of them... hell, he even laughed like them! If he could see the HUGE nerd i am now... i think he would be proud and he would fly his freak flag next to mine. I miss him a lot.
14 T2 -It upped the ante just like Willow did all those years back, effects wise. I mean, how can i not be a 12 year old kid and not be affected by this movie? It was KICK ASS. It still is! And it had an AMAZING soundtrack. As a matter of fact, it is because of this movie that i like rock n roll. You could be mine, by Guns n Roses was THE song that set me on the path to where i am musically now. And it really is an amazing flick.
15 The Evil Dead 2 -Channel 13 used to run this movie every single Halloween night back in the day. It would scare me shitless, specially when the Evil Dead would rise from the forest and fly towards Ash. After a lengthy discussion with my friend Ricardo Malek, we decided that what was chasing him was THE DEVIL ON A MOTORCYCLE, but it was so fucking TERRIFYING that they would not show it! And then when Ash fights his hand, chops it off with the chainsaw and ends up with the chainsaw attached to his arm? FUCK, man! That was what horror movies were all about! CRAZY SHIT and CRAZY GORE!
The smell or pop corn, the sticky floors, the uncomfortable chairs... i really like going to the movies. I can go to the movies on a daily basis and not be bored. See any movie several times. To me, going to the movies is not only something that connects me with my dad, but also a way of escapism, is the only way -other that following the voices in my head- to live amazing adventures and visit far away and fantastic places. If you've gone to the movies with me... you've noticed this.
1 Star Wars -My dad got me hooked into this one. When i was a kid i wanted to be either a Giant Robot Pilot, a Swordfighter or an Astronaut, so when i saw Luke wield that Lightsaber and fly that X-Wing i was forever hooked. On a side note, my dad was in the hospital a few weeks before Episode 1 opened down here. He got better all of a sudden... and we agreed that i would pick him up and go see that movie together. He died a week after that. So the whole SW thing with me is not only the childhood nostalgia; it reminds me of my dad... who was the one who showed me how to appreciate movies in general...
2 Event Horizon -Fucking movie gave me nightmares, and i was not a kid when i saw this. LIBERATE TU TEMET EX INFERIS! Shit, that captains log scene really disturbed me.
3 The Lion King -One of the best movies EVER. There is a lot of learning to be gathered from this flick. and i cry when Mufasa dies: i do. Every single time i see it i cry like a 12 year old.
4 Big Fish -I tell stories. The guy in the movie told stories. This move was got me deep and got me hard. It kinda hit really close to home, in ways i cant really describe.
5 Marley and Me -I cried like a little bitch with this movie. Not only because of the stupid dog, but because that family in the movie is what my family would've been if things would've turned out differently.
6 Silver Bullet -Great Werewolf story by Stephen King. When i was a kid i only saw the poster for it at the movie theater; then went on a trip to Volcan and Cerro Punta with my mom, grandma, sister and some older aunts and uncles and what not. While all the grownups went out, we were left in the house with the nanny and the lights went out. I was 100% positive the Werewolf from the poster was outside the cabin we were staying at and that we were all gonna get eaten by him. Pure HORROR.
7 IT -I.FUCKING.HATE.CLOWNS. I used to see a clown waving at me whenever i would flush the toilet as a kid. It would terrify me, until the day i locked myself and flushed away my fear. Then i saw this movie and it fucked me up again.
8 The Neverending Story -Remember seeing the poster on the ROOSEVELT THEATER with my dad one day. And later on having a discussion with a friend of mine about the Dog headed Dragon. Then i saw the movie and i LOVED IT. I loved it so much i wear the Auryn tattooed on my arm.
9 What Dreams may come -What Robin Williams did for his family in this movie, for his wife, is what i would do for my family: Go to the depths of hell and back for them. This one got close to my core too.
10 Return to OZ -Let's face it: not only Fairuza Balk was steaming hot at 9 years old (i was like 6 when i saw it) but those scenes of the wheel guy falling into the dessert and turning into sand? the headless witch? fuck man... that movie was hardcore. Still one of my favorites.
11 RATS: Night of Terror -This 1985 Italian B horror movie freaked me out. My dad rented it on BETA and i watched it with him. It's like a zombie movie but with rats... and then at the end? FUCK ME MAN! Is that Splinter? Why is he not teaching the Turtles? Oh.. it's still about 6 years for you to even learn of the existence of the Ninja Turtles... now go try to sleep boy, come on.. i dare you!
12 Flight of Dragons -Long before i realized i was a geek, long before my love relationship with Star Wars and Comics and Dungeons and Dragons and all that, there was this movie. A nerd designs a game, and ends up being transported to another world where magic is real. There is a HUGE fucking Hydra, the Nerd ends up as a Dragon himself, and in the end Science beats magic and oh my god what an amazing movie. It is not out on DVD. If you are lucky you can find a used VHS tape on amazon for about $100. Or see it on Google Video for free.
13 Revenge of the Nerds -Saw it with my dad at the Theater Roosevelt; my mom didn't want me to see it at the beginning... but we went and saw it. I was a little kid back then, but seeing low budget SciFi movies with my dad was great. Seeing the nerds, i understood my dad was one of them... hell, he even laughed like them! If he could see the HUGE nerd i am now... i think he would be proud and he would fly his freak flag next to mine. I miss him a lot.
14 T2 -It upped the ante just like Willow did all those years back, effects wise. I mean, how can i not be a 12 year old kid and not be affected by this movie? It was KICK ASS. It still is! And it had an AMAZING soundtrack. As a matter of fact, it is because of this movie that i like rock n roll. You could be mine, by Guns n Roses was THE song that set me on the path to where i am musically now. And it really is an amazing flick.
15 The Evil Dead 2 -Channel 13 used to run this movie every single Halloween night back in the day. It would scare me shitless, specially when the Evil Dead would rise from the forest and fly towards Ash. After a lengthy discussion with my friend Ricardo Malek, we decided that what was chasing him was THE DEVIL ON A MOTORCYCLE, but it was so fucking TERRIFYING that they would not show it! And then when Ash fights his hand, chops it off with the chainsaw and ends up with the chainsaw attached to his arm? FUCK, man! That was what horror movies were all about! CRAZY SHIT and CRAZY GORE!
The smell or pop corn, the sticky floors, the uncomfortable chairs... i really like going to the movies. I can go to the movies on a daily basis and not be bored. See any movie several times. To me, going to the movies is not only something that connects me with my dad, but also a way of escapism, is the only way -other that following the voices in my head- to live amazing adventures and visit far away and fantastic places. If you've gone to the movies with me... you've noticed this.

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