for those of you that knew him........I miss Sami. frown
I did not know him, but I am sorry for your lose.
my friend that has been with me for a couple weeks is leaving soon. I don't know if he plans on coming back or not. He wont be far so I know I will be able to see him but it wont be the same as living with him. I've never felt so good and so happy while he is around. I dont think he...
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Be true to yourself and be prepared that it might or might not work.
finally made it to PHX, so happy to be home. Need to find new doc now and try to get off some of these meds. I thnk I'm on too many to function the right way. Any of you have that experience? I;m told I can drive, but dont feel comfortable, and no one else does either. So how do I get around in a...
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sending you positive energy sister in your new place, do you have cats there? (I'm a cat lover)
I hate it when you write a long blog and are almost done, then hit a button and it all goes bye bye.

Anyway, time flies so fast. One good reason is thaat my move to AZ will seem to come faster, of course getting older comes faster too, but thats ok.

I have a friend that is sick that I have not heard from...
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It feels good to maybe to have have found someone to help me move. It feels like it lifts a house off my back!!!
I do hate to pack but luckily there isn't much in the house to pack, just enough in here to live with, the resst is already packed in the storage shed. But I still have to go through some of the...
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you're almost there!
Good to hear there isn't a whole lot to pack. I don't mind moving except for packing!
The saddest thing a man ever faced
What was mgiht has been
what may never be
and what can no longer be.

chooing the right path is never easy
It's deccession we make with only our hearts to guide us

But sometimes we find our path to something better

sometimes we fight with the regreat and the romurs of our mistakes

Our malice and our...
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it's only 8PM and the cats are watching me waiting to go to bed. They wont go without me. Sammy has to sleep right on my chest, its nice and cuddly but he is so heavy, about 12 pounds. Plus it takes him 20 minutes to get in teh right position. then I get hot or uncomfortable and he leaves for awhile. I feel bad...
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My 12 pound baby likes to climb on my chest when I'm typing on my laptop in bed. He doesn't think I should have a problem with that. smile

He does choose to sleep elsewhere.

it's so weird. I look at my beautiful daughter and instead of being concerned or embarrassed, I'm so proud of how beautiful she is. how brave she has gotten. She wouldn't even let me see her without a shirt on when she was just a little younger. I cry when I see her because she IS so beautiful and I miss her so much. I...
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No kids here... at least not yet. Just a bunch of life and lack of time.
I wish I had lack of time. I live in the middle of no where, no one is hiring, no friends, just a bunch of land, me and my cats.
big storm suppose to be moving in. Might be off line at night for a while. I can't wait to get back to the Valley of the Sun. Will be hard cause it's so cheap to live here, but if my kids can do it so can I. Maybe look for a roommate. Hard to find people you can trust though. My kids know a...
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can't wait to move away from here. It's like I;;m stuck in a hole, stuck in life. Nothing to make me happy, nothing to really make me sad, except not being with the kids. I have a year or so to plan. My folks are mad, but I have to do what is best for me.
you have something to look forward to then. and that is wonderful smile